Dr. Frank Schmidt, Rostock 2003



Volltext (11 MB pdf)

Literaturverzeichnis (References)

Download ArcView Extension Topocrop (link to zip-file)

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- Universitätsbibliothek Rostock

Topocrop Documentation

Topocrop is a ArcView Extension (avx) that requires a full version of ArcView 3.X and the SpatialAnalyst.
Topocrop is a compilation of Avenue scripts that can be useful for terrain analysis. A DEM is required as Grid.
The algorithms were optimised for a grid size of 1 - 10 m and a corresponding elevation quality of plus minus 5 - 20 cm. This is reached by RTK-GPS surveying campaigns and Laserscanning DEMs.
The main purpose of the extension was to help me to derive and analyse Topographic Wetness Index grids for a Precision Agriculture project (
www.preagro.de). Thus, the goal was the assessment of the pattern of potential soil moisture on an agricultural plot (field size 10 - 200 hectares) under Central European soil and climatic conditions. More about the results can be found in

The scripts available with topocrop are:

1) Topographic Wetness Index
The script calculates Beven & Kirkby's topographic wetness index TWI = ln(As/tan beta) based on the ArcView flow algorithm (D8).
In addition to the actual TWI grid, a mean filtered grid is caluclated (neighbourhood statistics with 3 cells radius).
There are known problems with the flow algorithm in flat areas. Open the script (load system script terrain.twi) and add the line "slopeGrid = slopeGrid+1". Thus, there are no flat areas and flow will be transported to a neighbouring cell. This introduces some arbitrary miscalulations but enables the script to run even in flat areas. Those parts of the grid should be clipped after the calculation.
For more references about Wetness Indices see Wilson and Gallant (2000) and others, Link References above.

2) Streampower Index
Calculates Moore's stream power index ln(As*tan beta). See MOORE and BURCH for references. The script is very similar to the TWI above. The difference is the stronger linear flow line appearence of the result. The stream power and thus the water erosion potential along preferred surface flow lines rises with slope and catchment area of a cell. The most likely water erosion paths on hilly fields can be detected. The script also calcultates the mean filtered grid in order to blur the static, unrealistic pattern caused by the D8/flow algorithm.

3) Slope-Length-Factor
Calculates the slope-length factor for USLE based on work by Moore & Wilson 1992. This "process based" model is adapted to the empirical factor of the soil loss erosion equation. The pattern of soil loss assessment is reduced to two factors: catchment area of a cell (flow accumulation) and slope.
The equation and parameters used here are: LSGrid = (((flowaccGrid/22.13)^0.4)*1.4*(((slopeGrid.sin)/0.0896)^1.3))

4) Landfrom Elements scale 1:5000
This script is still rather unconvenient to work with - improvement by experienced Avenue users is appreciated (terrain.form)!
At the moment zou have to follow the info boxes at each step very carefully.
It works well with DEM grids of 2 - 5 m raster size. The curvature threshold values have to be adapted for different scales. The goal of the script is to derive 9 landform elements from a DEM based on combinations of profile and tangential curvature. A grid with the following elements is calculated (grid value): convex-diverging (5), convex-parallel (4), convex-converging (1), straight-diverging (10), straight-parallel (8), straight-converging (2), concave-diverging (15), concave-parallel (12), concave-converging (3).
In detail, the script conducts the following steps:
- Calculating the terrain curvature
-- elevGrid.curvature("pro_curv".asfilename, "horiz_curv".asfilename, nil, nil)
-- tangentGrid = horiz_curv*slope_rad
- Smoothing the curvature grids (mean filter)
-- r = tanG.FocalStats(#GRID_STATYPE_MEAN, nbrhd, FALSE) and pro?curv resp.
- Reclassifying the continuous grids to three curvature classes each (threshold values are proposed and have to be entered)
-- MsgBox.Info("New classes: (1) negative..-0.05 (2)-0.05..0.05 (3) 0.05..positive ","Reclassification Info"). For units see ArcView help, discussion for curvature
-- r = pro_rclG.ReclassByClassList(fieldName, classList, toNoData)
-- MsgBox.Info("New classes: (1) negative..-0.002 (4) -0.002..0.001 (5) 0.001..positive","Reclassification Info").
Mind the class names in brackets! This is important for the following step in order to get 9 different landform classes!
- The classified grids of profile and tangential curvature are then multiplied, the three times three values result in 9 classes
-- formgrid=proGthm*tanGthm
- In the last step, an overlay theme is calculated to hide the flat (meaningless) areas. You need to load the legend file (avl).

The nine landform classes correspond strongly to the TWI pattern since both depend on curvature of the terrain. Converging and concave classes represent potentially wet areas, diverging and convex classes are usually drier parts of the fields and correspond to topslopes and peaks.
Dikau, R. (1993): The application of a digital relief model to landform analysis in geomorphology. In: Raper, J. [Ed.]: Three-Dimensional Applications in GIS. Taylor & Francis. London. pp. 51-77.

5) Map Overlay (Multiply)

6) Local Correlation Map (written by Robin Gebbers)

7) RMSE for points


Dr. Frank Schmidt, 2004-02-22
contact: schmidt at beak.de